Mobile App Automation Testing Tool

  • Automate testing across iOS, Android & Windows apps
  • No app instrumentation required – test your app as it is delivered to the end user
  • Full device control
  • Replicate real-life actions at screen level
  • Automate real devices and simulators/emulators

Save time with one script running across multiple environments

Image-based mobile app test automation replicating real-life actions

Test all things mobile. Mobile games, mobile web, mobile native apps

A single continuous testing platform for all your testing needs

T-Plan Robot for accountancy on a Mac

The Importance of Mobile App Testing

The need to test mobile applications on different devices, screen sizes, browsers, generations and operating systems is vital for a consistent app experience.

With so many variables, this can mean thousands of permutations to test, posing a challenge for developers and testers. Not with T-Plan Robot.

T-Plan Robot solves this issue.

We’ve created a script architecture that works across a wide range of mobile and desktop environments – all at the same time if required.
Through device data and image collections scripts can dynamically determine which actions are required for each device facilitating the rollout across multiple environments at the same time.
With full device control you can seamlessly automate across different applications, as well as different devices.

Image Based Mobile App Test Automation

T-Plan Robot is the most flexible test automation tool on the market. As an image-based tool, it provides a true “end-user approach” making it extremely easy to learn.

The tool navigates through the GUI the same way a user does and verifies the test results visually, seeing the same image output as the user on any mobile, tablet or desktop device.

Man using a tablet device
T-Plan Dashboard on a laptop

A Single Continuous Testing Tool

T-Plan Robot provides teams with a single environment to create, execute and analyse application testing on any environment including mobile, tablet and desktop.

For a developer, this saves learning time and speeds up testing. This also offers an outstanding way to share resources and information between your mobile and desktop testing teams plus gain a single-view of all tests in the Robotic Automation Portal.


T-Plan Robot comes with the web portal, development and execution features. Thanks to its open architecture with extension interface, the platform can also be easily customised and integrated with other systems.

Record and

Record and play back a repeatable script, with no coding experience required. Then, repeat, with user-defined schedules or from a remote process/application via CLI.

Create Once,
Repeat Executions

Define repeatable actions to test code areas as part of any continuous or agile development. Eliminate mind-numbing testing tasks, prone to human error.


This is real-world testing, with real user actions being tested, including swiping, tapping, pinching and zooming in.

Game developer’s

Excellent screen refresh rates deliver the perfect automated testing solution for games testing across all platforms.

Support at every stage

Extensive Training & Learning Centre

Online workshops tailored to your key objectives

Live chat

Frequent product updates & new feature releases

Automate Mobile Application Testing

Book your FREE demo

You’re just one step away from saving time & money – get in touch today.

  • No code access required
  • Visual UI testing tool
  • iOS and Mac compatible
  • All platforms supported
  • Mimics real time user experience
  • Record and playback function
  • Award winning support

Book your FREE demo

Get in touch with our award-winning team today and unlock the power of our Automated Visual UI testing tool for your business.