Automated Testing for iOS Applications

T-Plan Robot can run the same tests across different mobile devices, at the same time. Automating mobile devices by replicating real user actions at the screen level.


Automate iOS and Android devices from any host operating system supporting Java.

Record and

Create repeatable scripts using our advanced recorder. Simply activate the recorder and perform any given scenario, then repeat. No code interaction or experience required.

Real world

T-Plan Robot applies real user actions to the device screen. Validate the end user experience and navigation through the use of standard native gestures such as tap, swipe, pinch and zoom.

Cross Device & Cross Platform

  • Mobile test automation (real device or emulator) support for  iPhone, iPad, iPod (iOS etc.).
  • Non-Jailbroken (non-rooted) and rooted Apple iOS devices automated with fast refresh graphic support.
    • iOS AirPlay Screen Mirroring of display
  • Java test script support, as well as a proprietary scripting language.
  • Record & Replay.
  • Image & Optical Character Recognition (OCR) search.
  • Open architecture. JDBC / MS SQL database import / export.
Demonstration of T-Plan GUI

Automate Web, Game
and Native Apps

Use your apps native controls to replicate real user actions. Unrivalled screen refresh rates make Robot the perfect tool for games testing across all platforms.

Text and Image

Identify and verify items on the screen using both image and/or text recognition methods. Advanced search algorithms provide quick and reliable means of verifying a presence on screen, often within milliseconds!


No extensive code instrumentation required. No requirement or dependency on mapping to your object architecture.

Banking Automation Demonstration

All the same reasons why you would automate desktop applications and operating systems for testing, also apply to mobile environments.

  • Find errors early in regression testing, by automating overnight to repeatedly test ‘stable’ functionality
  • UI Test Automation prevents unexpected user experiences or poor performance when apps are released to human users.
  • Automate tests at the human interaction level iteratively for each release.
  • Simulate ‘real’ user interactions and verify the result is as expected.
  • Re-use tests across multiple devices and displays to test cross platform robustness.
    Integrate test automation with continuous integration for automated build verification in your CI/CD environments.
    Test automate support for native apps.
  • Combine testing with your Selenium and Chromium integrations to test real Android device apps.
  • Create tests via our intuitive recorder and low code no code design interface.

Support at every stage

Extensive Training & Learning Centre

Online workshops tailored to your key objectives

Live chat

Frequent product updates & new feature releases

Platform Agnostic, Seamless Integration

Integration Capabilities

Integrates with a wide spectrum of  tools, including Selenium.
Object Automation support proven to save time, effort and money building and maintaining the Selenium testing framework.

Platform Agnostic

Automates GUI testing seamlessly across web and mobile platforms, supporting both Mac, Windows, and Linux environments with unified application, code, and file compatibility.

Image Recognition

Providing essential user feedback directly from the end-user’s perspective. Validated based on what you observe, not solely on the code’s output.

No-Code Access Required

An intuitive user interface designed for both technical and non-technical users, featuring drag-and-drop functionality.

Book your FREE demo

You’re just one step away from saving time & money – get in touch today.

  • No code access required
  • Visual UI testing tool
  • iOS and Mac compatible
  • All platforms supported
  • Mimics real time user experience
  • Record and playback function
  • Award winning support

Book your FREE demo

Get in touch with our award-winning team today and unlock the power of our Automated Visual UI testing tool for your business.