The Seven Deadly Sins

7 Sins on a Signpost

In checking back through some presentations we have given over the years… I found a slide pack given by our CEO at the Sydney Australia Testing Tools Fair many moons ago. I have copied the headline items below as I still believe they stand the test of time, even to this day! 1) Not agreeing … Read more

The easiest to use UI Test Automation tool on the market!

Robot Next to Whiteboard

The latest version of T-Plan Robot Enterprise is the easiest to use UI test automation tool on the market… well that is our view anyhow!

Why you ask? Well… we have developed a new screen recorder smart technology, which interacts with your use of ANY system to correctly and accurately perform the image and code creation, as you create the automated test.

This saves you time and money! However the other main benefit is that any user of any capability can use our test automation tool. Simply click, add and move to the next, to create you test automation scripts. Being UI driven with images, you can also quickly understand where you are in your test creation, with no code knowledge required.

Don’t believe me… well take it for a spin, or ask us for a demonstration. FREE to TRY… before you buy!

Try something different for Test Automation!

Robot Pushing Go Button

1) Background… Since it was founded in 1989, T-Plan has continued to develop software solutions for the Quality Assurance (QA) industry. Almost every organisation dealing with software, will have a testing department, or a team or group of persons responsible for the testing or verification of the software being implemented, or produced for market. The … Read more

Is the World of Mobile Testing Round? Ramblings of a Kitesurfer…

Robot on Hoverboard

Whilst watching back some kitesurf vids the other day… it struck me that a birds eye view of the situation often reveals some startling results. Sometimes it is good to take stock… look around and re-confirm that the world is round. However… in the often complex world of mobile device testing, this seldom happens. It … Read more

Addressing the Diversity – Test Magazine

Addressing Diversity Magazine

The Opportunities for the Future of Test Automation The opportunities in this space right now are tremendous, and with the plethora of tools and services being provided at the moment, it is an exciting industry to be part of. With this sentiment in mind, I believe that we will continue to see increased collaboration and … Read more

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Get in touch with our award-winning team today and unlock the power of our Automated Visual UI testing tool for your business.

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You’re just one step away from saving time & money – get in touch today.

  • No code access required
  • Visual UI testing tool
  • iOS and Mac compatible
  • All platforms supported
  • Mimics real time user experience
  • Record and playback function
  • Award winning support