Case Study

NHS – Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Healthcare Case Study

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Automating Nurse Rostering in the NHS

The NHS faced significant challenges in automating their nurse rostering process due to the diverse range of legacy and new systems used across both front and back office operations. 

It’s common in large organisations that systems differ in versions of Windows or browsers, making successful automation at an object or code level difficult. 

In this case study we’ll look at the issue and then how T-Plan was able to streamline the nurse rostering process, ensuring compatibility and security across their diverse tech landscape, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective workforce management.


Health. Welsh National Health Service (Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol Cymru).

The Challenge

Automated billing & reconciliation of nurses rostering system.


Implementation of an automated process using only front end GUI robotics.

The Challenge: Financial Payment & Staff Invoice Automation

The NHS faced significant challenges in automating their nurse rostering process due to the diverse range of legacy and new systems used across both front and back office operations. 

A large workforce of nurses and support staff clocking in and out on different shift patterns was causing a large volume of admin through to the back office staff. The legacy systems weren’t running the latest software versions, which prevented seamless data flow between the platforms and were further hindered by security walls for data privacy.

This made the process of collecting data very manual and time-consuming, taking up to six hours to complete. The manual data entry led to discrepancies and delays, impacting the timely payment of salaries which in turn caused more admin.

The Solution:

Our award-winning team stepped in and worked closely with the NHS to gather detailed requirements and understand the existing processes. Through a series of collaborative sessions we developed a comprehensive solution that required no API or application code development, leveraging T-Plan’s unique UI automation capabilities.

The automated solution involved creating scripts to perform the following tasks at the desktop UI level:

  • Extracting data from the Oracle web front-end into MS Excel.
  • Entering data from MS Excel into the roster system.
  • Creating order records and capturing PO numbers for validation.

By automating these steps, T-Plan significantly reduced the time and effort required for the rostering process, ensuring data accuracy and timely salary payments. This solution not only streamlined the workflow but also maintained the necessary security protocols, making it an ideal fit for the NHS’s complex and secure environment.

'What was a 6 hour process has been reduced down to just 10 mins. The results in saving time and money for the NHS have been obvious.'
NHS Logo
Project Manager

Why The NHS Chose T-Plan

  • Application agnostic. Automation of any application – legacy or new.
  • GUI level automation meant no API interaction – security sensitive.
  • User-friendly interface requiring minimal on-site programming expertise.
  • Management control of scheduled tasks.


  • Automated manual tasks, significantly reducing time.
  • Enhanced performance and efficiency of work functions.
  • Completed tasks 15 times faster – saving money and resource.
  • Transformed a 6-hour manual process into a 10-minute automated one.
  • Centralised control over the automated process making it secure.

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